Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time Clock-Parts

There is a time clock on the pools that allows the owner to run the filter at their times. If service is done, then the person cleaning the pool will set it for the times convenient for them. In the hot summer months, it is advisable to run the filter for 10 hours or more and about six hours in the winter. If the pool receives a lot of use, more time is needed for filtering. Also running the filter at night will lower the temperature of the water. If the water is to warm, one can cool the water by evaporation. A devise is installed on the return line that pumps the water through a sprayer over the surface of the pool. In the desert the water temperature of the pool is over 90 degrees, this temp uses more chemical and needs more circulation. Enjoy the water and be safe...

2 comments: said...

The pictures look like they are from - but great content. Thanks said...

Yup! A time clock can improve the efficiency of your pool, running the pool pump when needed, saves electricity. Studies show that using a timeclock can reduce your pool pump electric consumption by 50%, or more. A small investment that pays off quickly.